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Train with Pursuit. Learn with Pursuit.

Pursuit Training

Once we know our purpose, the Pursuit becomes fun.

Pursuit Training is a community of people that believe being our best is a process that is about wholistic development. Want to receive guidance on mental health? We got you. Need a new speed workout? We got you. Want help finding your purpose? We have a place for you. Need help getting in the best shape of your life? You have come to the right spot.


Pursuit Learning

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so" -Josh Billings

 Pursuit Learning will always be about helping us understand something new. However, we must strive to continually mold what we have already believed to be true. 


The Coach

Will Graham, CSCS

I am a coach that is in the trenches everyday, working with athletes to help them achieve their individual best. I have worked with all kinds of athletes from adults, to kids, to Patrick Mahomes and Frank Mason III. I now work at Liberty University as an Athletic Performance coach for 5 sports. I develop speed, confidence, strength, culture, nutritional habits, agility, power, and results in the game for over 90 athletes.

"Those times when you don't feel like working. You're tired, you don't want to push yourself, but you do it anyway. That is the dream."

Kobe Bryant

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